Many men and women across America are opting to reverse the signs of aging through a surgical procedure that has been around for decades; the facelift. Although facelifts have been a cosmetic staple for years, the techniques are constantly evolving to give you the best results with minimal scarring and limited downtime.
Here at Dermatology & Plastic Surgery of Arizona, we focus on two primary techniques when it comes to facial rejuvenation through surgery; traditional facelift and mini- facelift. Each procedure can be customized for your needs using the most up-to-date techniques and technology.
For younger patients with minimal to moderate loose skin or for a secondary facelift, we often recommend the minifacelift. This type of facelift allows your surgeon to correct smile lines, jowls, and tighten excess skin with less scarring. This surgical procedure uses a small shaped incision in front and behind the ear. Patients who need major neckwork or added volume may better benefit from a different procedure.
A traditional facelift can correct more severe cosmetic issues. During this surgery, your surgeon can tighten and remove excess skin, reposition muscle tissue, and perform fat sculpting. Although this procedure is more invasive, it’s much longer lasting and can improve mid-face sagging, neck laxity, jowls, and more.
What Are The Key Features You Evaluate During The Consultation to Determine Which Procedure Your Patient Needs?
There are several factors that your surgeon will consider when determining which procedure is right for you. Below are a couple things Dr. Moenster will look for during your initial consult;
- The degree of skin laxity and excess skin. Based on your current skin tone and texture, your surgeon can suggest one technique over the other. Clients with minimal to moderate loose skin may benefit from a mini-facelift.
- Your facial volume. If you’re seeking a fat transfer facelift to boost your facial volume, a traditional facelift in an operating room might be necessary.
The knowledgeable cosmetic specialists at our Tucson location are highly experienced in the latest facelift techniques and can help guide you in your decision-making process. Before your procedure, your surgeon will walk you through every aspect of each technique from start to finish.
To learn more about the facelift procedure, or to schedule your consultation with Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Moenster, please fill out the form on this page. You can call our Tucson location at 520-207-3100 or our Sierra Vista location at 520-458-1787. We look forward to seeing you soon!