Tucson: 520-207-3100|Sierra Vista: 520-458-1787

PDO Threads vs. Mini Facelift: Which is the Better Option for You?

As we age, our facial skin naturally loses elasticity and fine lines appear. A PDO thread lift and mini facelift are procedures that can prevent or minimize these signs of aging. While they are both less invasive alternatives to a full facelift, they each bring forth their own benefits and drawbacks. In this post, [...]

By |2022-06-19T17:53:47+00:00June 19th, 2022|Facelift|0 Comments

What Is The Difference Between A Traditional Facelift and A Mini-Facelift?

Many men and women across America are opting to reverse the signs of aging through a surgical procedure that has been around for decades; the facelift. Although facelifts have been a cosmetic staple for years, the techniques are constantly evolving to give you the best results with minimal scarring and limited downtime. Here at Dermatology [...]

By |2019-08-02T13:07:26+00:00November 13th, 2017|Face, Facial Rejuvenation, Plastic Surgery|0 Comments
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