Pregnancy and childbirth can entirely change your body’s appearance, and some of these changes can be permanent. Many women report that after childbirth, their breasts don’t look as youthful, their skin seems less supple, their stomach isn’t as toned as it once was, or their rectus abdominis muscles (six-pack ab muscles) have separated during pregnancy known as diastasis recti. However, it doesn’t have to stay that way. A mommy makeover can target and restore these areas.

*Individual Results May Vary

What is a mommy makeover?

A “mommy makeover” is the term for a set of surgical cosmetic procedures that aim to restore areas of the body affected by pregnancy and childbirth. These areas can include the abdomen, buttocks, and breasts. These changes may be more noticeable after having multiple children.

The desired result of a mommy makeover is for the candidate’s body to look as it did before pregnancy and childbirth, or correct diastasis recti- a common condition in postpartum women. In other words, the procedure aims to revert the physical changes caused by pregnancy, childbirth, and/or breastfeeding.

Who could benefit from a mommy makeover?

The term “mommy makeover” markets, quite obviously, to mothers. But any woman who wants to tighten their skin, remove excess fat, or enhance their breasts is a good candidate for a mommy makeover. For best results, however, someone looking to get a mommy makeover should be finished having children. In addition, it is important to have reasonable expectations and know that it is not a weight loss operation. Most plastic surgeons recommend losing most of your baby weight prior to a consultation for best results.

Mommy Makeover  Consultations Available

What’s included in a mommy makeover?

Various procedures can be included in a mommy makeover. The most common procedures include a breast augmentation or lift, liposuction and skin tightening, tummy tuck, and/or a Brazilian butt lift (BBL). A BBL alters the shape and size of your buttock through removal of fat where you don’t want it and placing it into the butt. Liposuction removes excess fat deposits and Renuvion tightens skin, and a tummy tuck surgically removes excess skin and fat. These procedures combined can give your body a more youthful appearance and reverse the physical changes that pregnancy and childbirth may have caused.

Are there any risks? Procedure Length and Recovery

A mommy makeover is a relatively safe procedure. Procedure length and recovery vary depending on what procedures you choose to get. One benefit of a mommy makeover is that it’s a set of procedures, meaning you will get them all done at the same time. In general, a majority of mommy makeovers take several hours. For safety and comfort, general anesthesia is commonly used.

A typical recovery time for a mommy makeover is 4 to 6 weeks. Your cosmetic surgeon may require you to rest at home for one week. This is something to keep in mind if you have childcare obligations at the time of surgery. The results of a mommy makeover will also take 4 to 6 weeks to appear. This is because in the weeks following your surgery, your breasts and abdomen may be swollen.

A mommy makeover can help you gain confidence in your post-pregnancy body and live life to the fullest. If you are considering a mommy makeover, it is best to consult your doctor first before making any decisions.

“I was seen by Dr. Jamie Moenster. Her staff was simply amazing and kind! Dr. Moenster is a phenomenal physician, and I am super satisfied with the outcome of my surgery!”

Brittany S., Patient

Learn More at Your Consultation

Schedule your consultation with Board-Certified, female Plastic Surgeon Dr. Jamie Moenster to learn more about a mommy makeover. Please complete the form above or call us in Tucson at 520-207-3100 or Sierra Vista at 520-458-1787.