Many women have had the unfortunate and embarrassing experience of laughing, sneezing, coughing, or exercising until their bladders leak a little. Some women cope by stopping to cross their legs before sneezing or coughing. Some wear bulky, uncomfortable pads or special bladder leakage underwear to try to cope. It’s inconvenient, embarrassing and completely aggravating.

Urinary Stress Incontinence can affect every woman who has experienced childbirth, aged, or both. In either case, women suffer silently with leaking urine when coughing, sneezing, laughing or activity. Thanks to the CO2RE Intima treatment, suffering in silence is now over!

What Is CO2RE Intima?

CO2RE Intima is an in-office, non-surgical laser treatment that treats stress incontinence from straining. Better yet, it has other benefits such as treating loss of vaginal tone due to childbirth and aging, loss of elasticity due to lack of collagen, painful intercourse, and loss of lubrication due to reduced estrogen levels. This is great news for women’s vaginal health.

How Does CO2RE Intima Work?

This is a safe and quick non-surgical treatment. It works by delivering controlled CO2 energy to the vaginal tissues which remodels the tissue by stimulating the new formation of collagen. The CO2 technology allows treatment of both superficial and deep skin layers, both internally and externally. The CO2RE Intima treatment is different from all other vaginal rejuvenation lasers because it can treat both the internal and external areas. It is FDA approved and is safe for every woman. Treatments take an average of 10 to 15 minutes and women experience little to no discomfort. Patients receive 3 treatments which are spaced 3-4 weeks apart and each 6 months to a year thereafter receive a single treatment to maintain the results.

CO2RE Intima Consultations Available

What Results Will I See?

After the series of three treatments, most patients found relief from urinary stress incontinence because of the improved tone of the vaginal walls. Women also reported improvement in vaginal elasticity, better lubrication and reduced or less pain during sexual intercourse. Although there are three treatments in the treatment plan, many women begin having improvements after their first treatment! Patients are to refrain from sexual activity and vaginal rest for one week to allow the cells to rejuvenate but does not require any downtime from your job or busy lifestyle.

I can’t say enough good things about Dr. Jamie and her entire staff. They are the kindest most caring people I think I have ever met as far as health care providers and made us feel very comfortable from the start. No questions went unanswered and we felt very confident in choosing them for our needs. I won’t hesitate to recommend them to anyone!

Take the Next Step

Now that you are well-informed about the CO2RE Intima treatment and excited about ridding yourself of urinary stress incontinence, it’s time to take the next step in achieving a healthier and more confident you! Schedule a consultation with the trusted medical professionals at Dermatology & Plastic Surgery of Arizona by calling the Tucson office at 520-207-3100 or the Sierra Vista location at 520-458-1787. We have offices in both Tucson and Sierra Vista.