Tucson: 520-207-3100|Sierra Vista: 520-458-1787

What’s the Best Treatment for Flabby Arms?

Summertime is upon us and it’s time to pull out the tank tops, sundresses, sleeveless shirts, and bathing suits. Summertime is also the time we begin to notice those flabby upper arms again. Whether you have had a significant weight loss or your arms are just losing elasticity due to the natural aging process, [...]

By |2025-01-14T18:37:35+00:00June 24th, 2020|Arm lift|0 Comments

How Much Does An Arm Lift Cost?

With springtime here and summer quickly approaching, you may be thinking about what you need to do to get your body ready for your summer wardrobe. Short-sleeved shirts, tank tops, sleeveless blouses, and sleeveless sundresses will be hanging in everyone’s closets, just waiting to be worn. However, many people will be dreading the summer [...]

By |2025-01-14T18:37:36+00:00April 5th, 2020|Arm lift|0 Comments

How Long Is The Recovery from an Arm Lift?

Are you embarrassed by the flapping skin of your upper arms when wearing sleeveless shirts? Do you insist on wearing jackets and sweaters even in the heat of summer to hide your upper arms? Be encouraged that you are not alone in your frustration with loose and sagging upper arms.  Many people develop a [...]

By |2025-01-14T18:37:37+00:00February 20th, 2020|Arm lift|0 Comments

What Exactly Happens During an Armlift Procedure

Do you avoid short-sleeved shirts because of flapping flesh in your upper arms? Do you hide behind jackets and sweaters? Rest assured that you are not the only one. Many people develop a loss of skin elasticity in the upper arm for the natural aging process or from a dramatic weight loss. This can [...]

By |2025-01-14T18:37:38+00:00November 4th, 2019|Arm lift|0 Comments
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