Ab etching is a procedure that helps sculpt the muscles using a liposuction technique. When done by an experienced, Board-certified plastic surgeon, it can help you see a leaner physique to achieve your desired aesthetic more quickly. It’s important to know how your plastic surgeon will etch your musculature with VASERlipo and how hi-definition lipo works before deciding if this is the right treatment for you.

What is Hi-Def Lipo?

VASERlipo uses ultrasound energy to breakdown fat so it can be easily removed using a small liposuctioncannula. VASERlipo can also be used to do liposculpture, contouring the body to highlight the natural musculature of the abdomen, arms, and thighs. Hi-def lipo contours the body following the natural lines of your body’s musculature.

Benefits of VASERlipo

VASERlipo is a hi-def liposculpture, like liposuction, but is more selective at disrupting fat cells, but not blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissue- leading to less tissue trauma. Because of this, many patients have less swelling and bruising with a quicker recovery.

Schedule Your VASERlipo Consultation Today

What to Expect During Your VASERlipo Consultation?

Board-certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Jamie Moenster is Arizona’s body contouring expert. She received specialty hi-def lipo training for both men and women. During your VASERlipo consultation, Dr. Moenster will go over the benefits and listen to your aesthetic goals. Dr. Moenster will mark your body to contour your body’s own musculature under the fat, creating a leaner appearance. Results from VASERlipo are immediately noticeable and will continue to improve as your body heals. Final results are typically seen in about three to four months.

Take the Next Step

Schedule your consultation, call our Tucson office at 520-207-3100 or Sierra Vista at 520-458-1787.